England's 5 Airborne Brigade Pathfinder Platoon 13eme Regiment de Dragon Parachutistes 148 Commando Forward Observation Battery "Bassak" Swedish Naval Counter-SOF Unit Commandement des Fusiliers Marins Commandos Commandement des Operations Speciales Destacamento do Accoes Especiais ( DAE ) Escadrille des Operations Speciales ( EOS ) Escadron Special D'Intervention French Special Forces Overview Groupement Speciale Autonome (GSA) Commando Helicopter Force ( CHF ) Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza Ordningspolisens Nationella Insatsstyrka The 5 Airborne Brigade's Pathfinder Platoon Portugese Companhia de Precursores |
Detachement d'Intervention Operationnelle Subaquatique (DINOPS)DINOPS is a parachute trained combat diver unit assigned to the Legion Etranger's 6eme Regiment Etranger de Genie ( 6 REG- 6th Foreign Engineer Regiment ). The unit is assigned to the Regiment's Recce and Support Company. It is tasked with conducting underwater explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), conducting beach reconnaissance missions, conducting sabotage attacks, and assisting in river crossings. Unit members undergo some of the most intensive training in the French armed forces, undertaking both the Navy's combat swimmer course, and the Army's parachute school. Unit members receive additional training at a number of Foreign Legion and Army technical training schools. They are trained in the use of closed circuit diving systems, EOD, and hydrographic survey techniques. DINOPS "para-sappers" are capable of being inserted by aircraft, submarine, surface or subsurface swimming, inflatable boats, or by the use of two man Klepper kayaks. During the Gulf War, DINOPS operated in support of the US Army's 82nd Airborne Division, and provided its EOD services to the division. After the cease fire took hold they conducted a joint mine clearing operation along side an Australian Navy Clearance Diver Team.
Because of its specialized mission DINOPS has access to a number of weapons and equipment not normally found in an
engineer unit. They are armed with FAMAS assault rifles, HK MP-5 series SMG's, Barretta 9 mm pistols, and various
explosive devices, depending on the mission requirements. For transportation they use Zodiac inflatable boats, and Klepper
two-man kayaks. They are extensively equipped with night vision devices. For diving they are equipped with wet suits,
SCUBA gear, and closed circuit diving oxygers.